Bradley Cooper Is Pressed About Losing to Jared Leto

I really like Bradley Cooper a lot, but he really didn’t have a shot in hell of winning, especially with Jared Leto and Michael Fassbender in the same category.

Still, it doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be super duper steam pressed about it.

And thankfully, the Golden Globe cameras caught it!

In a night full of hot mess (which I will recap tomorrow on my other blog When Things Go Pop!), this is something i am still screaming about:

Whoever Runs E!’s Fun Facts Feature At The Golden Globes Is About to Be Fired

E! is usually the go-to place for awards show red carpet coverage, because it is usually a hot ass mess.

Clearly nothing has changed, with awkward interviews and cheesy features like the “manicam” (which Elisabeth Moss just gave the middle finger, in a stroke of genius). However, E! just went into “offensive” territory with two awful entries into their “Fun Facts” feature:

It’s typically in really, really, REALLY bad taste to describe a tragic passing and a very serious, incurable illness as a “fun fact”. I’m pretty sure whoever is responsible for this will be receiving a pink slip come tomorrow morning…if not right now.

These are GIFs of Lupita Nyong’o Destroying Everyone at the 2014 Golden Globes

In case you might have missed it, Lupita Nyong’o has everyone talking about her absolutely stunning Golden Globes dress. The 12 Years a Slave actress is wearing Ralph Lauren and killing everyone. Here are some GIFs to commemorate her crowning as a style icon:

Absolutely flawless.